Want to buy or purchase a property? Wait a minute, are you confused about the history and conditions of the property?

Well, you might have so many queries and questions in mind before buying and selling a property. But builder inspectors can help you and guide you in the best way. They are highly skilled and excellent builder specialists who can provide you with comprehensive reports of every property. If you are residing in south Auckland or Christchurch then you can get in touch with the best builder inspectors for tracing a property condition.

Pros Of Builder Inspectors

From high-skilled knowledge, experience, and research every certified builder inspector will offer you excellent services for property inspection. They also ensure to meet the criteria of NZS 4306:2005 Inspection Standards. They are trained specialists who can offer you a detailed and current condition of every property. Similarly, they can also offer you expert guidance in choosing the right property at the right place according to your preference.

Reasons To Rely On Builder Inspectors that are trained and qualified inspectors

Just because you know of someone that might be a great builder doesn’t make them a great building inspector. The most important thing about builder inspectors is that they provide a trained ‘eye’ over the course of a property and can identify issues based on experience having seen multiple examples of building defects. Being a building inspector is a specialist area – sometimes great builders don’t make great building inspectors until that have developed the experience to look at defects from a different perspective.

This allows you to make the right decision for buying and selling a property.

  • Get fast and effective services for inspection. We can provide a report in 3-8 hours same day
  • Get total reliability and let us do all the heavy lifting
  • Get competitive prices to offer you the desirable service as there are many variations of building reports

Services To Avail

Builder Inspectors are trained in a unique way to provide you with professional reports that meet NZS 4306 2005 Inspection Standards that look and view properties from a different, trained perspective. Its like a Doctors Specializing in certain fields of surgery and general practice as an example albeit they ‘operate’ in the same medicinal industry.

Services include:

  • Verbal Building Inspection Report
  • Written Building Inspection Report for Residential / Commercial
  • Toxicology Testing
  • Weathertightness Reporting
  • Safe & Sanitary
  • Special Reporting
  • Moisture Testing
  • Warrant of Fitness
  • Healthy Homes compliance standards

Building inspectors believe in providing authentic, quality reporting with meticulous engagement to each valued client together with genuine, responsiveand approachable customer service.

For a time-saving and efficient building or property inspection service, you can rely on the best builder inspectors in South Auckland and Christchurch or anywhere across NZ that we service.


So, if you are still confused about buying and selling a property, then without wasting time just get in touch with the best builder inspectors that we can offer across NZ. Inspect House NZ is a prominent and qualified company from where you can get excellent and expert solutions for property inspections depending on your circumstances.